Tyler is a Commercial and Instrument rated pilot, with over 4,400 hours total flight time. He has extensive experience with digital vertical projects and oblique and LiDAR collection. Tyler has over 14 years of flight experience with ten of those years in aerial photography and acquisition. He has logged over 3000 hours as an air survey pilot, working with oblique, vertical mapping, and lidar equipment and is certified in the Cessna 210, Cessna 310, and Cessna 180 aircraft.
As Chief Pilot, Tyler is responsible for overseeing operations of the aviation department. This includes managing flight personnel, coordinating maintenance of aircraft, scheduling flights, and training. He has complete knowledge of aircraft operations and flight planning and coordination with ATC. Tyler is responsible for reviews of flight plans prior to assignment to crews and coordination is made with customers and ATC as needed. Tyler has been involved in all sizes of projects from single lines to the largest contracts (hundreds of lines and tens of thousands of exposures) and can handle projects with digital mapping cameras (UltraCAM M2, UltraCAM Falcon P, UltraCAM Xp, and PhaseOne Medium Format), or GeoTerra Optech LiDAR systems (Galaxy T-2000 & Galaxy Prime).